Thursday, June 12, 2008


It is through the strength of God’s greatness and his subtle power of innovation that he made the solid dry earth out of the water of the fathomless, compact and dashing ocean. Then he made from the ocean skies (samaawaat) and separated them into seven layers (seven layers of atmosphere) after they have been joined together.
The above paragraph is taken from the anthology of sermons, letters and saying of Hadrat Ali (as), the first Muslim and the fourth caliph of islam,called Nahjulbalagha which was compiled in 1000 A.D(422 A.H) by Sharif Razi(student of Sheikh Mufeed).It is still regarded as a masterpiece of Arabic language and is taught as a course of rhetoric’s in Islamic universities. Since its compilation both the Sunnis and the shies scholar has been writing commentaries on it, and in fact, the best commentary of Nahjulbalagha is by Sunni scholar named Ibne-Abil-Hadeed and is called’sharah-Nahjulbalgha’.

Coming back to the above mentioned paragraph,Hadrat Ali(as) says that the earth and the seven layers of its atmosphere were created from the oceans. Its only four decades since the establishment of the seven layer theory of the earth’s atmosphere by the modern science. The seven layers of atmosphere as established are,
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Ozonosphere
4. Mesosphere
5. Thermosphere
6. Ionosphere
7. Exosphere
(The ORM seven layers standard atmosphere: Nicholas Devaney and Mette Owner, September, 13, 2001)
Even it is mentioned in Quran that there are seven layers to the sky above us in the following verses,
It is He (God) who created everything on earth for you and then directed his attention up to the sky (samaawaat) and arranged it into seven layers. He has knowledge of all things’.QURAN:2:220
In the above verse the seven skies are mentioned in context of earth, and their formation is referred after the creation of earth, this implies that the seven skies refer to the seven layers of atmosphere. Even Hadrat Ali (as) talks about the seven skies in the context of earth and further attributes their (atmosphere’s) origin to the oceans of earth.
Fig.1.Picture showing the formation of atmospheric oxygen,carbondioxide and hydrogen from the water of ocean
According to Hadrat Ali the atmosphere originated Form Ocean, which is a very modern concept and all the present day geologist hold the same theory and which is still in the process of research. The atmosphere contains oxygen,hydrogen,nitrogen and carbon dioxide in highest percentage. The oxygen of atmosphere is supposed to be formed from the breakdown of water by the ultraviolet rays of the sun and same is supposed to be the case with atmospheric hydrogen (The Atmosphere: Lutgens and Tarbuk).The nitrogen of atmosphere can be attributed to the nitrates of ocean and the the carbon dioxide to its carbonates.

Fig.1.1. Picture showing the seven layers of the earth’s atmosphere. (given at page bottom)

Coming to the second paragraph of the same sermon (sermon.210) Hadrat Ali says,

He (God) also created high hills, rocks of stones and lofty mountains. He put those (mountains) in their positions and made them remain stationary. Their peaks rose into air while their roots remained in water.’

In the above para Hadrat Ali (as) introduces the concept of mountain roots which which has been discovered in 19th century while studying the phenomenon of ‘Isostasy(state of equilibrium between earth crust and atmosphere)’.The concept of mountain roots was discovered in India by a British scientist during his study of isostasy of the Himalayan mountains(Gravity and Isostasy:John Fillmore Hayford,1917).There is nowhere mentioned in Quran,directly,that mountains have roots, but their existence can be inferred from the following verse of Quran,

Have we not made the earth as bed and the mountains its pegs?’
QURAN: 78:6-7

Fig.2.Picture showing relation between earth crust and mountain root (google:picture of mountain roots). (go to page bottom)

Fig.3.Picture showing mountain roots.(google:picture of mountain roots) (.go to page bottom)

At this stage one would say that it is indeed miraculous for a man of 7th century A.D to be aware of a concept which is considered as a discovery of 19th century. This shows that faith can be ahead of science. I would wish to conclude this piece of writing by the following sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (as),
I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate”.

I am the house of wisdom and Ali is its door’.

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